[Relay-L] Relay For Life Information/ I need your help

Mueller, Katherine km401707 at ohio.edu
Wed Mar 24 23:43:15 EDT 2010

Hey Relayers!!
I hope you are having an awesome and relaxing spring break!! That being said I have a few things to ask you to do for Relay, I mean cancer doesn't take a break so we shouldn't either in our fight! I have created a facebook event for the Final Team Captains meeting.  PLEASE, PLEASE Invite all of your friends to this event because it is our final one and we still have a lot more teams to get.  Second on facebook you can make your status "if each one for my friends donates $1 to Relay for life, I will raise (fill in how many friends you have $)" this sounds lame but it actually works, just make sure you put a link to how they can donate.  Lastly since many of you are home, now would be the perfect time to ask your family and friends to support relay for life.  These are just a few things that can be done over break, because spring quarter is going to get busy!! Have a safe and fun spring break and I will see you all on Mon.

>From the not so warm Marion Ohio,

Katherine Mueller
Ohio University
Political Science and Economics
Alpha Phi Omega Community Service Fraternity
Delta Zeta Social Sorority
Relay for Life Public Relations Chair
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society

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