[Recclub-l] Meeting Tonight at 8:00 PM Grover W111

Hall, Dustin dh226807 at ohio.edu
Mon Feb 21 09:31:09 EST 2011

Hey everyone,

It's WEEK 8. So, I hope this e-mail finds you gearing up for finals and enjoying the last few weeks of winter quarter. First and foremost, we have a meeting tonight. This meeting is of utmost importance as we have a lot to do for Thursday. So, please join me tonight at 8:00 PM in Grover W111. I hope to see you all there.

Thank you,

Dustin Hall
Ohio University Outdoor Pursuits Rental Center Manager
Ohio University Recreation Club President

Cell Phone: (937) 726-8814
E-mail: dh226807 at ohio.edu
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