[Recclub-l] PLEASE REPLY!!!! REC CLUB - I need your opinion.....ASAP

Hall, Dustin dh226807 at ohio.edu
Thu Oct 7 15:02:30 EDT 2010

 Hey everyone,
So the attendance at Monday night's meeting was a little less than stellar. However, this email is VERY IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ AND RESPOND. So the following are a few events that you may want to know about:

-Saturday Football Game - I will meet you outside of Grover at 1:00 PM ---ONLY IF YOU RESPOND! IF I HAVE NO RESPONSES I WILL NOT BE THERE.

-Meeting Monday Night at 8:00 PM in Grover W115 - MEETING IS VERY IMPORTANT - We will be discussing several important upcoming events that I think you might enjoy. There will be PIZZA!

Ok, now here is what I need your opinion about, basically send me an e-mail saying yes if you can help with this or no if you cannot.

As a student organization it is a requirement to complete a service at least two times a year, so I think I thought of one you might like. As you probably already know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Therefore, REC Club has decided to Capture the Cure. On Friday, October 22nd, we will be carrying out a massive capture the flag game on college green. The event will last from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM with registration starting at 3:00 at the college gate. We are looking for another student organization to help us out with marketing the event and carrying out the event. The event will cost participants $1.00 with 75% - 100% of the proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

So let's make sure we want to do this and please reply.

Dustin Hall
Ohio University Outdoor Pursuits Rental Center Manager
Ohio University Recreation Club President

Cell Phone: (937) 726-8814
E-mail: dh226807 at ohio.edu
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