[Recclub-l] Hocking River Canoe Clean-Up

Carolyn J. Vieland cv859002 at ohio.edu
Wed May 27 15:19:13 EDT 2009

You are receiving this e-mail because at some point in the quarter you expressed
interest in joining the OU REC club on an outing to canoe the Hocking River and
help pick-up garbage along the banks.
This event is scheduled for Saturday June, 3rd,meeting at 10 am. Transportation
and canoes are to be provided.
If you would still like to join us, I am asking that you please RSVP by June 1st
at the latest. We are asking for this conformation so that we can ensure we
provide enough seats in the boats and vehicles.
Please send your responses to: cv859002 at ohio.edu
Thank You!

Carolyn J. Vieland

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

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