[Phipsi-l] Study Table/Scholarship Information

Anderson, Zachary za120809 at ohio.edu
Mon Sep 19 01:23:52 EDT 2011

Study Tables will be held in the library on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

Brothers who received below a 2.75 may be subject to a required participation for an amount of time based on their previous quarter and cumulative GPA.  If you fall under this category you will receive a separate email from me telling you your requirement.

In accordance with Fraternity Education all active pledges will be required to attend 2 hours of study tables each week of their pledge-ship.

Any brother is invited to attend study tables and I will try and continue the monetary prize$ for similar categories we have had in the past such as: Most Study Table Hours, Random Drawing for Tickets, Most Improved GPA, and Highest Pledge GPA.

Upon arrival to study tables each brother will sign in and then sign out when they leave.  I will use the time recorded by myself or another member of the Scholarship committee to make sure that everyone is keeping on track with their required hours along with a running total for the competition.

I will continue the tickets for grades incentive program to encourage all of you to do your best and let me track your progress.  The way that the tickets will be handled is that I will award you 3 tickets for every A you get on a Test or Paper and 1 ticket for every B received on similar items.
    As always class difficulty will be determined by Scholarship committee, and if deemed so, number of tickets given out can change based on class.

The tickets are not physical, they are simply numbers allotted to you that give you an increasing chance to be chosen in a lottery that will be held on the second chapter of every quarter.

I will try to create a library of old notes/tests/quizzes in the house so that anyone can donate their class notes to future brothers.  In accordance I will accept any notebooks or tests/quizzes from brothers at chapter or study tables, along with the Course # and Teacher.

Study Tables this Tuesday(9/20) and Wednesday(9/21) will be at the regular time and in room 111 of Alden (Go down to the first floor and turn right at the desk).

The room number is subject to change by week or even by day, based on the availability and limit I have on reserving the rooms.  I will work with the messenger to inform you of location changes as I become aware of them.

I will be waiving study table requirements this week because it is only 2/3 of the usual days and I have to ensure that everyone who is required to go is aware of their commitment.

I do not want the previous sentence to be read "I do not have to go to study tables this week."  I encourage every brother, passing or failing, to attend as many study tables as possible.  Many of us take the same classes at different times and can benefit greatly from peer education.

Congratulations everyone on #1 GPA for fraternities for Spring quarter and there is no reason why we can't be #1 every quarter if we help one another.  Get your work done during the week and your weekends will be full of magical bliss.

(216)-409-3685  Call/Text me with any questions or if you ever need to know where study tables are being held.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Zack Anderson... 75

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