[Phipsi-l] Greek Week/Airbands/ Greek Week Sports

Olney, Harold ho402206 at ohio.edu
Tue Mar 29 21:06:21 EDT 2011


There has been some changes to greek week this year. Some chapters got disqualified because they did not make grades for the quarter. Among them was the Sigmas who we were with this year. Alot of the teams got moved around, we are now with Delta Upsilon instead of the Sigmas (We are still with AOPI).


There will be a greek week meeting at our house this thursday, at 8 pm. I have invited the AOPI and DU representatives to our house. You guys are free to come if you wish to know a little more about what is going on but it is not mandatory whatsoever.


If you want to be in Airbands, please let me know by thursday at 8 pm, just send me a text or email. I do not know at this time when the dance practices will be or anything, at the moment I just need a hard count of who is willing to participate in airbands to give to AOPI. You will than more than likely need to be free during some weeknights most likely to participate, again that will be discussed at a later date. Please also let me know if you want to be one of the actors.

Greek Week Flag Football:

If you are interested in playing flag football for us during greek week then again please let me know. It will be taking place on tuesday, from 3 pm to 6 pm. So if you have class during that time you obviously cannot participate.

Greek Week Sand Volleyball:

If you are interesed in playing Sand Volleyball let me know. It will be taking place on a wednesday from 2 to 4 pm. Again, make sure you don't have class if you want to play.
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