[Phipsi-l] Grades for tickets

Gianopoulos, Andrew ag270807 at ohio.edu
Sun Mar 6 15:42:23 EST 2011

Everyone, the drawing will take place today.  If you show me grades tonite before chapter, the maximum you can get is 5.  I'll be drawing two numbers and each winner will get $20.  A heads up, the winner's won't get their money tonite, but will sometime next week because I have to put in a money request form.  Also, the winner of the most study table hours will be announced next week because I'll still be having study tables this week.  You can show me or Zach A. your grades, we'll stop looking at tickets at 7, before the committee head meeting.  If you try to show me grades after that, tough luck, no excuses.  If you don't get this email in time, I won't accept that as an excuse either.

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