[Phipsi-l] Scholarship stuff

Gianopoulos, Andrew ag270807 at ohio.edu
Sun Jan 9 23:05:12 EST 2011


Like I said in chapter tonight, most of the scholarship policy will apply for this quarter, with some new adjustments.

1. brothers who got less than a 2.5 last quarter will be assigned atleast 30 min and no more than 2 hours of study tables.
2. the scholarship committee will be the judge of how many hours you will be assigned.
3.all pledges who did not make grades last quarter will be assigned 1 study table hour a week
4. all new pledges will have to come to study tables atleast once a week. (how much time will be decided in the near future)
5. brothers will get a warning after the first failure of completing their weekly study table obligations, 2nd time they will be grievanced.
6. study tables will be 8-10, Monday through Thursday.  For right now, study tables Monday and Wednesday will be at the library, Tuesday and Thursday they will be at the house.  If the chapter room gets more tables I'll make it that they're always at the house, but for rite now they will be like this.  If Hunter does have study tables in the chapter room, I'd like to request that people stay out of the entertainment room downstairs from 8-10, and if he has them in the dining room if people could stay out of the tv room from 8-10 as well.

All the awards from last quarter will be the same, "most study table hours," "grades for tickets," "most improved gpa," and "highest pledge gpa."

An idea for people to think about.  Brett, Dave and I are in a American Baseball history class right now, so i was wondering if I could get our professor to come to the house for dinner and then give a presentation about a baseball specific topic.  I'm hoping this could turn into a "Phi Psi Lecture Series" of some sort and get the whole greek life and potentially all of student life involved and participating.  Just think about it and let me know what you think and if it would be something you would attend.

I once was a kid, all i had was a dream-Chiddy Bang

Andrew J Gianopoulos...
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