[Phipsi-l] Philanthropy Events

Shirvani-Aman, Alireza as301608 at ohio.edu
Tue Apr 5 16:33:13 EDT 2011

4 events have already come up, and two (2) are this weekend...so participate and get your hours logged! If your name is logged on my sheets you will be charged on Omega.

This weekend DG and AOPi have their events:

AOPi Ruby Run is this Saturday (April 9th)    http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161646907217707
Check-in begins at 10am, the Race begins at 11am and you should be done by noon; this is taking place at the bottom of Baker.
Cost: $10/person pending at least 5 people are registered
1 hour for paying + 1 hour for participating = 2 hours
                    Tyler Ivory
                    Jerrod Gotschall
                    Zack Anderson
                    Alex Westerh
                    Harold Olney
                    Nick D'Alessandro
                    Jordan Ball

DG Anchor Splash is this Saturday (April 9th) as well    http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=200216800010099
The swim portion begins at 11am, and continues to 2pm; this is in the Natatorium
There are events throughout the week, but don't worry about them unless you're Matt Andrachik and competing for Mr. Anchor Splash.
Cost: $10/person at least 8 people needed to participate
1 hour for paying + 3 hours for participating = 4 hours
                    Harold Olney
                    Matthew Andrachik
                    Chase Wagner
                    John Kanyok??
                    Dan Kanyok
                    Hunter Smith
                    Cameron Skalski
                    Lee Fuller
                    Jordan Deel

I strongly suggest you DO NOT do both events, however it is possible to do so.  If you choose to do so, then make sure you have a change of clothes ready for you at the Natatorium, and you're ready to hurry between them. If you wish to participate in either of these events send me a message on Facebook by Thursday at 3pm.

ACACIA's 5k for Pancreatic Cancer is next Saturday (April 16th)    http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=200216800010099#!/event.php?eid=128490973887213
Check-in begins at 10am, Race beings at 11am; this also takes place at the bottom of Baker.
Cost: $10/person at least 10 people needed - Shirt included!
1 hour for paying + 1 hour for participating = 2 hours
                    Hiram Poster - M
                    Alex Westerh - M
                    Tyler Ivory - M
                    Jerrod Gotschall - L
                    Hunter Smith - M
                    Cameron Skalski - M
                    Andy Gallik - L
                    Kyle Jones - M
                    Nathan Giacobbi - S
                    Ben Carter - M
                    Chase Wagner - M
                    Andrew Gianopoulos - L
                    Lee Fuller - M
                    Michael Scerbin - M
If you want to be added to this list, send me a message on Facebook by 3.

AGD's So You Think You Can Dance for Diabetes is Tuesday in 2 weeks (April 19th)
The event is from 6-9pm in Baker Ballroom
Cost: $75/group minimum of 10 dancers, max of 15.
1 hour for paying + 1 hour for participating = 2 hours
                    Ben Carter
                    Dave Clechenko
                    Chris Guenther
                    Harry Olney
                    Jordon Ball
                    Jordan Deel
If you want to participate in this event, you need to contact me by the 15th at 3pm.  If we don't get 10 people we cannot do this event.

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