[Phipsi-l] Consultant Schedule

Jacob Mosher jm296207 at ohio.edu
Thu Sep 30 02:12:06 EDT 2010

	Here's the schedule for the 3 days that the consultant is coming to  
visit. Take a look at it and let me know if you need me to change a  
time for a meeting. I'm going to be emailing this to him by friday at  
noon, so if you don't tell me before then, it'll be set.

	Also, here's the list of guys that signed up for each programming.  
(btw....if you didn't sign up for a programming meeting, you can still  
show up to anyone you want to if your schedule is free at that time)

1) Group Dynamics
	Hiram Foster
	Chris Guenther
	Goran Vrhorak

2) Interview Skills
	Tyler Ivory
	Dave Clechenko
	Ali Aman
	Jerrod Gotschall
	Ben Carter
	Kyle Jones

3) Networking
	Ali Aman
	Chase Wagner
	Nathan Giacobbi
	Kyle Jones

4) Ritual Rehearsal
	Zack Anderson
	Ali Aman
	Cameron Skalski
	Chris Suntala

	Andy was signed up for every single programming -- for some reason, I  
don't think he did that himself.. haha

Have a great rest of the week guys.


Jacob Mosher
Phi Kappa Psi, Ohio Nu
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