[Phipsi-l] academic stuff

Gianopoulos, Andrew ag270807 at ohio.edu
Mon Nov 8 10:46:39 EST 2010

 Hello everyone,

Just a reminder, Tuesday is the last day for the Grades for Tickets raffle.  I'll be drawing two names for $30 each.  (you can only win one prize, even if your name gets drawn twice.)  If you have something to show me bring your grade to my place, 18.5 palmer.  If I'm at the house you can show me there but more than likely you'll have to meet me at my place.  I'll be at the library for study tables from 8-10 if you want to show me then.

Study tables are Tuesday and Wednesday 8-10.  come and get hours to go towards your total.  whoever has the most wins $50, 2nd wins $20.

Pledges-remember whoever has the highest gpa wins $50.

Goodluck to everyone with finals, keep working hard.

A. J. Gianopoulos
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