Gurnick, Genevieve gg499010 at ohio.edu
Tue Sep 4 08:58:52 EDT 2012


Great job a practice this morning!
A few things so READ:
1. General meeting tonight 8pm in Bentley room 120
a. There will be Apparel/ Comm serv. Chair voting at the end of the meeting.
- The current nominations for Comm Serv are: Dana, and Sarah H
-Nominations for apparel chair: Lead
- If you have any other nomination PLEASE send them to me pronto
b. We will be meeting our Little Rowers today so get them a candy bar or write them a note or something.
c. ANd if you are going to be late and have not told me already tell me now.
And if you have not sent Karen and Camyel your schedule do that now.


[cid:43163174-c3a6-4c0d-8888-de1837ea8f41 at prod.exchangelabs.com]
 Polly and I <3
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