Martinez, Karen km329810 at ohio.edu
Mon Nov 26 19:41:00 EST 2012

Hey girls

Hope your break was fun although it did go by pretty quickly!

So we have planned a meeting for Camp Bob information for next Friday that you all SHOULD attend!

We will be able to give you all the information that you need for Camp Bob, how much it cost, what we do, how we travel, when we're leaving, payment plans...etc. and you'll be able to ask any question that you guys also have

Seeing that it will be our last meeting before winter break, we're going to order some food (aka catering), pop/water, snacks just to hang out and talk about how excited we are for CAMP BOB!!!!!! Woo-hoo

With that being said we NEED you guys to bring $7 to the meeting THIS WEDNESDAY! Please please please do not forget, its important so that way we can get enough food for everyone!

So....Next Friday Dec 7

Time: TBA probs 6 or 7pm

BRING $7 to this Wednesdays meeting!

We don't know how long the meeting will take since we have so much to cover and I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions!

Any questions, email me!

See you ALL tomorrow morning at 6:30am at Ping!

Karen Martinez
Ohio University
Political Science/ Pre-Law
International Relations/ Spanish Minor
Pi Beta Phi Sorority * OUWC VP & Equipment Chair * Student Senate Delegate
PSSA Secretary * GLC Scholar

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