[OUWC] Minutes 2/8 (Read them, you are responsible for ALL infomation in here!)

Lubbers, Ellen el181107 at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 10 19:52:09 EST 2012


We made a grand total of $3,000.00 from excellence/developmental funding. They were super impressed :) $1500 will go to paying for the Dad Vail hostel (Free housing for us! Yay!) $1500 will go to he boat fund.

Boat in transit from CA-  Our rep will tell us what he thinks of it and see if it will be a good boat for us.  We'll know about it first! Whoot!

Community Service Update: in general, total hours are: 350 hours which covers 18 peeps.. Saveral people are done with all their hours, and some are way over! NICE WORK! Keep it up!

This just in, you CAN do community service by yourself, and have it count for the team. Stipulations... tell Maddie what you're doing, how many hours it will be, and a contact for the event a FEW DAYS BEFORE the event, and then let her know the results the DAY AFTER YOU'RE DONE. If we get lots of service hours maybe we can win Community Service Team of the year! Get on it!

This weekend we will wear black spandex/shorts and our grey Ohio Crew shirts.  If you don't have one, but you ordered one, let Maddie know.  If you don't have one and you didn't order one, try to borrow one...  may people are not going or have more than one shirt. (Maddie has extras from SIRA that she can sell right now, rather than waiting for the apparel to come in. (If you already purchased a grey shirt and paid for it, you can just take what Maddie can give you, and then when apparel comes in, she'll put that shirt in her collection.....))

26 going to Bob! (all contracts in) + 2 coaches (still waiting to see if Sarah can go)... YAY! Two 8's and a 4, or three 8's if a cox doubles up and rows too.

Camp Bob costs= $380.00 cap.  The actual cost to the team will be a bit higher, but we've been rocking fundraising, so rest comes out from fundraising. Good work, ladies!

FIRST PAYMENT: $190.00 @ WEEK 9 GENERAL MEETING. Can pay in full then if you want, or before then, too! If you need to pay later/in smaller amounts, talk to Asa BEFORE the money is due!
(Second payment will be due week 2 of spring!)

This Weekend- Cincinnati...
IF you didn't give me your waiver you MUST bring it with you on Sunday.  If you do not have a waiver, you will no be allowed to row!

12 and 1pm are race times.  We'll meet at ping at 7:30am, wheels rolling by 7:45.  If you are late you have to do a 2k.  So be on time! We'll try to get there about 11:00am.
Drivers- Get gas before you show up to Ping.  Gas will be done by starting with full tank, when you get back-- fill up back to full-- give Ellen receipt.

Driver  Passengers
Megan G

        Bobst, Caroline

        Boselovic, Sarah

        Bunning, Kaitlyn

        Busken, Kaila

        Copley, Gabby

        Gurnick, Genevieve

        Hinkelman, Sarah

        Kin, Hillarie


        Lake, Donna

        Ludu, Dana

        Coach Megan


        Slosser, Nikki

        Thoburn, Katie

        Wilson, Shelby

        Young, Camyel

Bring Water, snacks, sweats, and your A GAME!


Rent-a-rower...the only money we have made from this fundraiser has been brought in by Ellen (woohoo bobby!). Maybe fliers aren't up, maybe people don't need help right now... We'll try improving the sign too.

Red Brick went well. We raised $65.75. The next one is on Feb. 23. EVERYONE must invite people!  The more people there the more money we get! Everyone who's not working it should bring their friends! A big thanks goes to Maddie!!! She brought in a lot of people.

Dinner before/after OSU: Kate will plan.

Pay her before you get apparel remember, will be in probably around a week in a half.

35 days, 8 hours, 11 minutes, 30 seconds

See you Sunday!

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