[OUWC] Sunshine Run Final Details

maddison mattey maddisonmattey at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 9 13:54:01 EDT 2011

Hey everyone!
So, this is going to be a kind of crazy email, I apologize for that, but since I won't be able to be at the Sunshine run tomorrow morning, I want to make sure that you have all of the correct information!!
First, we will be meeting at Ping at 7:45AM. Please be prompt!! And, if you have a car, please please please bring it!! We have 11 novice and 6 varsity (and Jens) coming! We will need the space! If you said you could take a bike, feel free to ride there on it...bikers need to go straight to West State Street ballfields pavilion.
Second, once you are all piled into cars, we need about half of us to head to the area to set up the water station. Since I showed Savannah where the water station is to be set up today, her car plus one more car should go there. Set up the table, have someone give Chris a call (his number is below) and wait for runners to come to pass out water and cheer them on!
The other car(s) should go with the bikers to the ballfields pavilion. Find Chris and see what he needs help with there (things like timing, registration, etc.). Bikers, find Chris, he will give you stopwatches. When the race starts you will ride in front of the runners. One biker will stop at the water station and read times off to runners as they pass. The other two, head down the bikepath to the clearly marked turn around point and read off times as well.
Waterstation people, the runners will pass you twice, wait until the last person has passed you twice then feel free to pack up the table and drive it back to Chris at the fields. I believe you are then free to go. Bikers, follow the last runner back, and give back your stopwatches, and you're also free to go as well!
Here's Chris's number: (740) 590-7209
Here is who I have signed up to participate:
Savannah Bales  (419) 460-2745
Leah Woodruff  (703) 772-2994
Asa Dahl (603) 264-5594
Justine Reichley (740)684-0822
Steph Gibson (216) 409-4547
Ellen Lubbers (614) 506-6831
Hillary Kin 
Sacoria Macow
Angela Satava
Rebecca DeSanto
Alex Komp
Emily McDermott
Kelly Ricker
Hailie Badach
Jordon Lochard
Katie Thoburn
Michele Fink
If you have any questions, can no longer make it, or just want to chat, give me a call! My number is (740) 590-5552. Also novice ladies, the phone numbers listed are for varsity girls, so if you have a problem in the morning, give one of them a call! Thank you all so so much for your participation, and I hope you have a great time tomorrow!
Maddie :)
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