[OUWC] Meeting Minutes from 10/25

Bales, Savannah sb295208 at ohio.edu
Wed Oct 26 14:05:13 EDT 2011

Hey all! Thank you SO SO SO much for the awesome attendance at LDWS last night! Even with the short notice we still had plenty of people to get the points we needed and stay compliant, so kudos to you all. (I thought it was one of the more fun meetings too! Some of them can be SUPER dry.)

I know the meeting was short last night, but we went over some pretty important information....

1) Speakmon dues have been pushed back and will be due NEXT TUESDAY 11/1!!!!!! Ellen will send out an e-mail once she gets all the gas totals. If she doesn't have the gas totals by today.. you won't be getting reimbursed.. WE NEED TO GET THIS INFO OUT SO PEOPLE CAN PAY.

2) Asa will be enforcing late fees for Speakmon dues if they aren't in by Tuesday, if you don't talk to her beforehand. Remember, the late fee is $1.00/day, so don't be late!!!

3) We will be taking the boats back the weekend before finals (the 12th or 13th of Nov.) Keep an eye out for another e-mail about that.

4) STEPH NEEDS YOUR ADDRESSES.  NOW. If you have issues regarding it, e-mail her, and work it out. If she doesn't hear anything from you, she'll assume you just haven't given her the addresses. This has the potential to be a HUGGGGGGGE money maker for us. And who doesn't want some new equipment?! She'll be sending out mean e-mails soon if people don't get these in. Remember if they aren't in by now, its up to $4.00 late fee ($1.00/day). If you have a late fee, we'll let you know, and you can either give Asa the money, or we can just tack it to your dues for Winter (if you are coming back, obviously.)

5) Make sure you have gotten Justine your Fall Schedules for Rent-A-Rower. Steph will send an e-mail in the middle of break asking for your Winter schedules.

6) Look for an e-mail about when to go out to Stroud's to de-rig and pack up the trailer to take back to Parkersburg (this will happen after Sarah is done with novice water practices!!)

Riddle of the Day::

A magician was boasting one day at  how long he could hold his breath underwater. His record was six minutes. A kid that was listening said, "That's nothing. I can stay underwater for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000.00. The kid did it and won the money. How?

(Bring the answer Tuesday!) That way we know you read the minutes ;)

Happy Hump Day!

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