[Ouwcrew-l] Long, but VERY IMPORTANT e-mail! Read carefully!

Lubbers, Ellen el181107 at ohio.edu
Thu Mar 31 22:38:50 EDT 2011

Hey girls,

I know this is a big huge e-mail but it has a LOT of VERY IMPORTANT information in it, so please take some time to read it WELL and respond to all questions that require answers! (I’ll summarize answers needed @ the end!)


Kelly’s hours are below-

  *   ·         Monday/Wednesday 6:30-7:15p
  *   ·         Tuesday/Thursday 3-3:45p

Her office is in Bird Arena (hockey rink).

Here are instructions: Go in the front door. Enter the arena and turn left. Walk through the stands along the left side of the rink. There is a break in the stands and double doors to the left. Go through them into a small corridor.  Her office is the second door on the right. It should be open if she is there.


We will be having meetings at 7:15pm every TUESDAY! So mark your schedule! (room info to come!)


We'll b working Prom Promise Thursday to set up- it is super super fun! Some people expressed an interest in helping at the actual event on Friday.  We can help with this, though its not required. If interested you need to let JEN know by Saturday at noon!


  *   ·         People who were @ my house for pizza… please pay me! (I know its just 2.25 per person, but its like $35 for me…)-
  *   ·         Week 2- 4/5- Skinz and Uni money is due! See Jen’s other e-mail for how much you owe.  Uni money must be CASH as you are buying it from a person and it’s not going through the OUWC account.
  *   ·         Cincinnati fees are due! $5 per person! Remember that if you do not pay you do not row! So if you can’t pay for something you need to talk to Autumn PRONTO and work something out!
  *   ·         Week 3- 4/12- Spring dues and Bob van money due! Dues are $75/person, and vans will be about $125/person.  (Exact number will be given soon!) Again, you must pay to row in SIRA the next weekend, so be SURE you have this covered to talk to Autumn!


·         Attached is the updated nomination form- look it over and e-mail me if you want to be added or removed from anything! Please consider what you are nominated for and be sure you really do want to run.  We will be starting the more official shadowing… be sure you think about the time and energy commitments of the positions, and only continue if you really want the position.  Don’t run because you were flattered to be nominated or because you think it will look good on a resume. Remember that when you get a position you are committing to one year of work! We are not trying to discourage you from running, the team just needs exec members who are committed, motivated, and able to put forth the effort! We don’t want anyone to be surprised by the work, then overwhelmed by it! Ask the current members if you have ANY questions at all!

  *   ·         Autumn would like all people running for treasurer to meet before the next meeting @ 7:00pm to talk about what is involved and to look over the spreadsheet and other materials. (same room as meeting)
  *   ·         Maddie would like to meet with nominees to help plan an Ergathon, so look for those e-mails!
  *   ·         Megan had been in contact with presidential nominees.


Watch for another Grinders fundraiser soon- doing streets this time! : )


We have been doing GREAT getting to pickups and to Strouds on time, and about getting the boats and oars ready quickly! However, we need to carry that efficiency into the practice.

We want to maximize our time on the water and coach’s time with us on the water so we can get lots of help from her and a good workout…  soooo

  *   ·         Continue being fast and effective getting ready
  *   ·         Try to run and do jumpees before coach arrives or as she’s getting ready. Don’t make her wait for us.
  *   ·         Cut back on the chatter near or in the boats.  There have been a few time that we’ve missed the coxswains calls because there was too much talking.  So as a general rule- minimal talking near the boats/right before hands on- only quiet enough to hear the coxies!
  *   ·         Keep the boats off the docks! We have chipped paint off the boats bc its hitting the dock!
  *   ·         On the docks- we need to speed up! Pay attention to what’s going on and know what you need to do to get ready.  Be fast getting the oars and getting your shoes into the basket.  People who do oarlocks, try to put your shoes in the basket while the others are getting oars.  After practice, if you’re doing oarlocks try to get your shoes and your pair’s shoes. (but be sure someone is always holding the boat off the dock!)
  *   ·         Be sure to listen to the coxswains.  They are there to be the second authority under coach, and are important to keep us all together and keep the boats safe!  When they tell you to do something or talk loudly or tell you not to do something they are not being mean or rude.  They are doing their job! Just do it!


I am working on standardizing rides so we’ll have the same schedule each week… so see attached schedule.  Be sure you always check your e-mail for changes though!!!


--- Most of this you have had already, but good to see it again-

For Cincinnatti- (4/9)

  *   ·         Cox and coach meeting @8:00am, and it’s a 2:45hr drive so…
  *   ·         Meet at 4:45am, depart NO LATER than 5am
  *   ·         In theory, we’ll start @ 9am, brake @ 11am, finish my 2pm
  *   ·         There will be lots of teams, but still fun, slightly less formal
  *   ·         Weather forecast is for wind, rain, cold, and gross- windy venue, so bring lots of warm clothes!
  *   ·         $5 for each person
  *   ·         If you can drive E-MAIL SAVANNAH pronto!

For SIRA –(4/15-4/17)

  *   ·         We’ll be leaving Athens in the afternoon
  *   ·         It’s a 6 hr drive
  *   ·         I need you to send me your latest Thursday class! SOON!
  *   ·         There will probably be a late car leaving around 5:30, but most will leave earlier.
  *   ·         Friday is a practice day
  *   ·         Racing Saturday and Sunday- return Sunday
  *   ·         We’ll be staying @ a YMCA, so be sure you have things for bedding and towels and the like
  *   ·         Bring things to study- we will have study tables
  *   ·         We’ll be driving personal cars so space will be limited- you’ll need to pack efficiently
  *   ·         If you can drive E-MAIL SAVANNAH pronto!

 GOV CUP (4/23)

  *   ·         We’ll leave early in the morning for the race, so it’s just a day trip
  *   ·         We might row more than once (be in more than one boat) but coach will let us know
  *   ·         Maybe Mixed 8's with the men’s team

Dad Vail (5/12-5/15)

  *   ·         We’ll leave VERY early Thursday
  *   ·         We are taking vans, plus coach’s car
  *   ·         Staying in that Hostel, look for more info on what we need in terms linens


·         E-mail Savannah if you can drive to Cincinnati or SIRA

·         Tell me your latest class on Thursdays

·         E-mail Autumn if you’ll have trouble paying what is due in week 2 or 3

     E-mail Jen if you want to help with the Prom Promise even on Friday (and your Thursday availability if you haven't already!)


Thanks for reading it all! Get those responses in!

See you in the AM! :)

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