[Ouwcrew-l] Hey Ladies! ( Nick too!)

Hughes, Kelly kh159107 at ohio.edu
Thu Sep 3 18:53:59 EDT 2009

 Hello everyone! It's me! Kelly!  I'll try not to make this too long! OK? OK! First of all, I want to tell everyone how proud I am that we have all stuck it out through this crazy loftiness. On the bright side, we are all now (put this on your resume!) professional loftists (Thank you Jill S!).
    Next up, this is what's up for the football game on Saturday: We are tailgating as an advertising/recruiting opportunity.  I will be setting up at 4:30.  The party starts at 5 and goes until 7, which is when the game begins (duh). You are all welcome to come to this and help recruit but it is definitely not required.  Here is a little excerpt from the girl in charge:
    "The athletic department is introducing a new Student Tailgate Park (called the Bobcat Student Village) for this year's football season. The park will be located near the student entrance to Peden Stadium. The park will include food, games, prizes, cornhole, a DJ, O Zone area, and more."
So if you come, you would be helping pass out fliers and such.  Please RSVP to me on this on, for if you come I would love it if you could bring some cookies/candy/snackies.
    Next, the Involvement Fair is on Monday.  This is our big chance to inform as many girls as we can about the team, hence more will come to the meeting, hence more will join the team, hence chances are we will have better boats, hence the more metals we will get and the more fun we will have! OK, so I will be set up on college green by 2:30ish and the fair runs from 3:30 to 5:30.  If you are in town and not admitted into O'Bleness hospital, YOU ARE REQUIRED to come to this event.  Please don't injure yourselves to get out of it, its fun I promise!  At both events I ask that you please dress nicely and wear a crew shirt.  No khakis necessary! Side note: if it does rain this day and the fair is moved, we have a table reserved outside the 4th floor of Baker from 2-5! If you have to, you may attend only one hour but you must have a good excuse!  So only email me back on this one if you are not attending or only coming for one hour!
    Girls! We are the best advertisements!  If you please, it would be helpful to wear more of your crew stuff during the first week and a half of school to show people who we are and that we exist before the meeting (which, heads up, is Thursday September 17th at 8:00 pm). And keep your eyes open for little girls because we are dieing for some coxswains.  Don't be afraid to approach girls! This is for the same reasoning stated above.  Thank you.
    And finally, if you are interested in buying a mini fridge for $50 call me! Love you all!        Kelly :)
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