[Ousfimg_alumni] OUSFIMG Alumni Report January 2022

Ohio University Fixed Income Management Group ohioufimg at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 17:00:00 EST 2022


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Dear Alumni,

The group has been fortunate enough to enjoy a strong 2021. Within this report, we touch on our performance, placement, and upcoming events. A few notable points are beating our benchmark in both the traditional and ESG portfolios year to date, the addition of a new position to our executive board, and a link for donations which will now go directly to the group. Any small contribution would go a long way for the group to help fund networking trips or other activities. Additionally, if you would like to have a networking call with the group, please let us know. Lastly, Senior Send-off will be occurring the weekend of April 23rd, and you are all invited to join. We hope to see you there!

Donation link:

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