[Ouretail] FW: Internships and Possible Job

Paulins, Ann paulins at ohio.edu
Wed Aug 31 08:03:40 EDT 2011

Greetings OU RFPD folks,
Brittanie Moran sent the following about internship opporutnities.  See below,
Dr. P

V. Ann Paulins
Professor, Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development
Chairperson, Department of Human and Consumer Sciences
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
Ohio University
Grover Center E160
Athens, OH  45701

phone: 740.593.2880
fax: 740.593.0284
paulins at ohio.edu<mailto:paulins at ohio.edu>

From: Moran, Brittanie [bm457804 at ohio.edu]
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:25 AM
To: Paulins, Ann
Subject: Internships and Possible Job

Hi Dr. P!

First off, here is the internship information for Manuel's. I believe there may even be open internships for the fall still. But, I encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about design to check it out. Sewing experience isn't necessary. The internships are not paid.

Here is the website: http://manuelcouture.com/  (Check under internships. Also, there is a pic of me putting on rhinestones. =))

Anyone interested can contact me via email if they have any questions.

Secondly, there is a job opening at Manuel's as an office manager. I attached the information for that. I should add, that the person to make out the cover letters and resumes to is female (Jesse-Justin).



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