[OUCTM-Listserv] Final Meeting!

Paterson, Joseph jp247212 at ohio.edu
Fri Aug 17 15:48:55 EDT 2018

Hi All,

This seems Phishy.  The other email I got like this today I sent to security at ohio.edu<mailto:security at ohio.edu> and they said it was a scam.  Please don’t follow the link, and it is suggested that you reset your password(s) if you entered them on the external site.

I think this bout of phishing is using old messages for sender-subject-recipient info.  I got a message with a subject about tutoring though I don’t tutor anymore, another friend of mine got one with a subject about class surveys though she is graduated. I don’t think OUCTM is having a final meeting this time of year?

Joe Paterson

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 17, 2018, at 2:55 PM, Amanda Rinaldi <ar723811 at ohio.edu<mailto:ar723811 at ohio.edu>> wrote:

Unable to show this email

[external link to phishing site]

IMAP message delayed: EnOF - Date: 08/17/2018 6:55:08 (ohio)

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