[OUCTM-Listserv] Math Club & AWM Meeting Tupper 202 at 5 pm Tonight!

Sturgill, Derek ds278604 at ohio.edu
Wed Apr 12 15:20:48 EDT 2017

Dear Mathletes,

Please attend if you can.


You are invited to join Math Club and Association for Women in Mathematics in watching a wonderful film, Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem! We will be meeting TONIGHT in Tupper 202 at 5 pm to enjoy some pizza (we will have cups, but no beverages) and the film. Afterwards, there will be a Skype session with the director, George Csicsery. The entire event will take around an hour and a half. For more information, see the description of the film which I attached.

See you in Tupper at 5:00 pm!

Colleen Carman

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