[OUCTM-Listserv] Game Night Tomorrow!

Alesantrino, Nicholas na071212 at ohio.edu
Tue Sep 22 16:02:47 EDT 2015

Hello OUCTMmers! 

I hope everyone's week has started off well! To break up the week and make it through hump day OUCTM is having a math game night, TOMORROW AT 6:30pm, in MORTON 322. YES we will be playing games, but NO it will not be a waste of your time! Our goal for this meeting is to play games with a mathematical basis in order to see how we can implement fun games, that our students may have even played at home, into our classroom. This would allow the students to look at the game as more than that, as they use the mathematical strategies and tools they develop in class to become a master of the board game. 

At tomorrow's meeting you can also pick up membership forms and turn in your dues if you haven't done so already. If you haven't had the chance to do either no worries, there is still plenty of time.  

Hope to see you all tomorrow! 

Nick Alesantrino 
President of OUCTM 

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