[OUCTM-Listserv] Graphing Math

Bertrand, Lori lb455611 at ohio.edu
Thu Jan 29 15:45:08 EST 2015

Hello OUCTMers

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Dr. Mathew Felton will be in McCracken room 234 presenting on "Graphing Toward Social Justice". Come see how you can build understanding of the relationships between graphs, tables, and real-world contexts while also exploring important social and political issues. Remember this event is open to all that are interested so bring a friend, remember a computer or tablet if you can and be prepared to learn something new and exciting. 

As a reminder this presentation is in McCracken 234 at 6 pm to 7 pm on Thursday January 29th.

Amanda Rinaldi and Lori Bertrand

OUCTM President and Vice President

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