[Ouctm-l] Keith Devlin

Klein, Bob kleinr at ohio.edu
Wed Oct 30 11:56:26 EDT 2013

Keith Devlin is coming to OU on November 12. He is the Kennedy Lecturer that evening. The lecture is free and we hope you attend and encourage your colleagues/friends/students to attend.

The title of his lecture is “Leonardo and Steve” and this should be very accessible. He will sign books afterwards if you want a book signed. 60-minute talk with 20-30 min for questions.

7:30-9:00, Templeton Blackburn Memorial Auditorium
November 12, 2013

See http://www.ohio.edu/eventservices/kennedylecture/ for details.

Best regards,

Bob Klein, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
On Faculty Fellowship Leave: Summer/Fall 2013
Office Address: 563 Morton Hall
Mailing Address:
Ohio University, 321 Morton Hall
Athens, OH 45701
740.593.1285 (no voicemail);
740.331.4270 (voicemail); 740.593.9805 (f)
kleinr at ohio.edu

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