[Ouctm-l] Game Theory

Klein, Bob kleinr at ohio.edu
Wed Nov 20 06:26:54 EST 2013

Dr. Christopher Holston is giving an introductory talk about Game Theory today. This is an accessible, interesting field of mathematical inquiry and I encourage you to attend.

November 20th, at  7pm, in  Arc 106, the ACM will be hosting Dr. Chris Holston for a presentation on Game theory, entitled  "An Introduction to 2-Player Game Theory"

A 2-player game is called zero sum when the players' interests are completely opposed. This talk will give some exposure on how to set up games in the form of trees or matrices, as well as the way to find optimal strategies of matrix games. This will involve topics from probability and linear algebra, which will be discussed as thoroughly as time allows. Any remaining time will be spent discussing games which are not zero sum, like the famous Prisoner's Dilemma, and why there is not necessarily an optimal way to play such games.
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