[Ouctm-l] Pi Day Presentation and OUCTM Exec board application

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Tue Mar 12 22:30:19 EDT 2013

Hello all.

I just wanted to send out another reminder that Dr. Eric (Rico) Gutstein will be here on Pi Day, March 14th at 7pm in Walter 235 to discuss  his work developing a social justice-centered mathematics curriculum with teachers, faculty and teacher candidates. We will have chips, cookies, pop, and water as well for your refreshment needs.

It's also that time of year when we are looking for members to take on a leadership position for next year. Most positions are open to any current student who will be attending OU next fall (President must be Junior/Senior). Please see the attached application for details. Please consider applying. Submitting an application does not necessitate a commitment, so please submit even if you are not sure of how much you can commit.

Applications are due Monday, April 1 by 5pm. Please email to ouctm at ohio.edu, or pb125807 at ohio.edu, or any exec board member or adviser. See the application for further email addresses. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

Thanks and hope to see you Thursday!

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