[Ouctm-l] Two important meetings coming up!

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Tue Feb 26 16:16:38 EST 2013

Hello all.

First, come join us for our next OUCTM meeting which will be Thursday, February 28th at 6pm in Morton 313. Daniel Showalter, a PhD candidate in the College of Education will be giving a presentation entitled "Problem-posing through three mysterious laws of nature."

Dan will use Dan Meyer's TED video on problem-posing education to show a sample interdisciplinary lesson/activity that uses problem-posing mathematics, as well as concepts from science. We will be using real data and technology that to analyze the results.

Also coming up is our big speaker of the year, Dr. Eric (Rico) Gutstein, who will be talking about how to create a social-justice centered mathematics curriculum. You won't want to miss it! We are expecting a big crowd. This meeting will be Pi Day, Thursday, March 14th at 7pm in Walter 235. Mark it on your calendars! For more information on his work, visit http://education.uic.edu/faculty/50-eric-rico-gutstein. You don't want to miss it.

Attached you will find flyers containing information about the event.

I hope to see you all at both meetings!

Thanks everybody!

Patrick Brust
OUCTM President
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