[Ouctm-l] Final OUCTM meeting - Tuesday, November 27th, McCracken 234 7:30pm

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Sun Nov 25 16:03:27 EST 2012

Hello everybody.

Come join us for our final OUCTM meeting this year on Tuesday, Novemeber 27th at 7:30pm in McCracken 234. It is our social, so we will be eating food and playing some games.

This is a potluck. The exec board will be providing main dishes. We ask that you all bring side dishes and drinks. Plates, cups, napkins will also be provided. Bring what you can, if nothing else, bring a bottle of pop from the market.

We will have games to play and feel free to bring one if you would like as well.

Also, please note that we are meeting with Precision Imprints on Monday and we hope to have the tshirts ordered this week. Hopefully, we will distribute them before the end of the semester. We will send out more information about this when we know more. If we get them done, we will set up a time for members to come pick them up. We will also hold them for you to pick up at other meetings if you can't pick them up then.

I also wanted to let you know in case you haven't been at one of our last meetings that our membership information was submitted to NCTM and you should receive notification in the mail about your membership. I haven't gotten anything yet, so don't worry if you haven't gotten anything. Do look out for it though. We submitted names of everyone who turned in paperwork by the deadline (which was mid-October).

If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please feel free to email me at pb125807 at ohio.edu or ouctm at ohio.edu.

Thanks everybody and hope to see you on Tuesday!

Patrick Brust
OUCTM President
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