[Ouctm-l] bake sale sign up

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Tue May 1 20:55:00 EDT 2012

Hello all. Just another reminder that our next bake sale is Wednesday, May 9th from 10am-4pm in McCracken Hall Lobby.

I am attaching a bake sale sign-up sheet so we can have people sign up to work at the bake sale. As you can see, we still need several people to sign up. Even if you can only do an hour, that's a big help. Also, please feel free to note what baked goods you can bring as well.

Please e-mail me back at pb125807 at ohio.edu to let me know when you can work and/or what baked goods you can bring. Everyone needs to try to work and/or bring baked goods. Every little bit helps. We all need to chip in on this.

You can either e-mail me back the word document, or just put what you can do in the body of the e-mail.

Thanks everybody!

Patrick Brust
OUCTM President
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