[Ouctm-l] (no subject)

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Sat Jan 14 17:22:04 EST 2012

Hello all.

The NCTM conference is coming up sooner than we think. This year it is in Philadelphia, PA, and is being held Wed. April 25- Sat April 28. Every year, OUCTM attempts to fund as many members as it can to go to this conference. In order to ensure fairness, we have any general member who is interested in going to the conference to fill out a funding application. I am attaching this in my e-mail I am sending out to all of you. Ideally, OUCTM would like to give everyone the opportunity to go to the conference, but as we have limited funds, this may not be possible.

In order to ensure that we are all registered by the early registration deadline (in order to ensure that we pay the lowest price possible), I am asking that the funding application be returned to me at pb125807 at ohio.edu no later than Friday, Feb. 10th.

Even if you are not sure if you will be able to go to the conference due to class schedules, go ahead and fill one out anyway. Note on your application that you are unsure about it, and OUCTM will take that into consideration. As I said, we would like to encourage anyone who can go to go. Last year, most of our members only had to pay for meals and a little bit of gas money (we carpooled), meaning they paid nothing for the hotel, and did not pay any of the $142 registration fee. OUCTM cannot guarantee that everyone who applies will get money, but this could be a possibility for some of you, so please think about going if your only reason for not going is because of money!

I apologize for the long e-mail, but this will be my last point. In the past, OUCTM has not attended the entire conference. Depending on what everyone's schedules are like, we MOST LIKELY will go up on Thursday and return on Saturday. Please be advised of this as you make your plans as well.

Have a good, long weekend everybody!

Patrick Brust
OUCTM President
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