[Ouctm-l] Meeting Tuesday/Bake Sale

Brust, Patrick pb125807 at ohio.edu
Sun Apr 29 17:37:03 EDT 2012

Hello all.

Just a quick reminder that we are having our next OUCTM meeting on Tuesday, May 1st at 7:10 pm in McCracken 234. Kevin Dael will be joining us to talk about Lego Robotics, which coincidentally enough, involved Legos and mathematics. It's always a popular event to come to, and I hope you can join us again this year.

Also, as a reminder, our next bake sale is Wednesday, May 9th from 10-4 in McCracken Lobby. Start thinking of yummy baked goods you can bring. Fundraisers are a team effort, so for those of you who didn't help out last time, now's a good time to make up for it. Also, please think of a time when you can work that day, even if it's only for an hour. Don't assume that we have it covered, because with a lot of our members out student teaching, we are a little short-handed. Like I said, even an hour helps us out.

Please e-mail me at pb125807 at ohio.edu if you can work sometime between 10-4, or if you can bring baked goods. Or, come to the meeting and tell me then.

Also, final reminder, OUCTM Exec board applications are due Friday, May 4th!

Thanks everybody!

Patrick Brust
OUCTM President

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