[Ouctm-l] NCTM Conference

McIntyre, Michelle mm359106 at ohio.edu
Wed Nov 17 21:08:00 EST 2010

 Hi OUCTM Members!

The Exec Board wants to keep you updated as the NCTM Conference nears.  It is taking place in Indianapolis starting Wednesday, April 13th, evening, through Saturday, April 16th afternoon.  The Exec Board is interested in attending Friday through Saturday, but this is subject to change.  As we start to get funds together and begin planning for the trip, we wanted you guys to begin thinking about it as well.  Please consider the conference, as it will be an awesome opportunity for you!  There will be some forms of scholarships for some members and we will have applications for those available beginning of winter quarter.  So until those are made available for you, please take some time to consider the conference and possibly check out the NCTM website for details about the presentations and opportunities for you if you attend.

Thanks for a great quarter and best of luck with finals,
Michelle McIntyre
OUCTM Secretary and PR Chair
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