[Ouctm-l] OUCTM End-of-Year Banquet

Mrosko, Jamie jm398006 at ohio.edu
Tue May 25 19:57:51 EDT 2010

 Hello Mathletes!

I hope everyone's quarter and year is ending on a good note!

On Wednesday June 2nd, we will be having our members-only-end-of-year banquet/cook out at Dr. Klein's house to celebrate OUCTM and our successes this year. BK will graciously be providing the meats and some miscellaneous items. OUCTM members are asked to bring side dishes/desserts and soda.

OUCTM would also like to extend and invitation to the banquet to Tim McKeny, Greg Foley, and Pam Beam as thank you's for helping out with OUCTM this past year.

The banquet will be held at BK's house (71 Morris) at 6pm.
Attached is a map of BK's house, which is with in (long) walking distance from campus.
If you will need a ride, feel free to email any member of OUCTM to see if we can possibly set up a car pool or something along those lines.

....End-of-year OUCTM banquet at BK's house at 6pm on Wednesday June 2nd.
....Bring side dishes or soda

Enjoy the rest of the quarter!

Jamie Mrosko
OUCTM Public Relations
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