[Ouctm-l] Meeting Monday, January 11th!

Mrosko, Jamie jm398006 at ohio.edu
Sat Jan 9 21:56:02 EST 2010

 Hello OUCTM-ers!
Hope everyone had a great holiday season and is excited to be back... even if there is a ton of snow!

We will be having our first meeting of the quarter this MONDAY January 11th at 7:30 in Morton 313. Please, notice that this meeting is in Morton and not McCracken where we usually are! We will be having two speakers...Marcy Kennedy who is the Director of the Center for Professional Development School Partnerships in the College of Education and a wonderful and entertaining speaker, and Katie Hendrickson, who will be speaking to us about teacher unions and how they work.

Please spread the in your math classes about our meeting on Monday and let's see if we can get some new members to come!

When: this Monday, January 11th
When: 7:30pm
Where: Morton 313

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Hope to see you all Monday!

Jamie Mrosko
JM398006 at ohio.edu
OUCTM Public Relations
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