[Ouctm-l] Meeting TOMORROW

Mrosko, Jamie jm398006 at ohio.edu
Mon Sep 28 18:41:34 EDT 2009

 Hi All!
Sorry this reminder is finding you a little late..
Just wanted to remind everyone that there will be on OUCTM meeting TOMORROW the 29th in MCCR room 113 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Marissa Blewitt (former OUTCM president) and Scott Hall-Jones (4th grade teacher at East Elementary) will be presenting on Lego Robotics.

RECAP: Meeting TOMORROW in MMCR at 7:30 on Lego Robotics.

ALSO, their will be an OUCTM bake sale Wednesday Sept. 30th from 11-5 in MCCR looby. We are still looking for volunteer to work the table and to bake.... OR BOTH! If you're interested, their will be a sign up sheet at tomorrow night's meeting! If you can, please donate your time and baked goods!

See everyone tomorrow!

Jamie Mrosko

jm398006 at ohio.edu
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