[Ouctm-l] Apologies--OCTM Conference form

Robert Klein bob at math.ohiou.edu
Sat May 16 10:06:16 EDT 2009

Apologies about the previous e-mail. Who could have guessed that  
someone made a 1-page word doc that was over 5MB. Silly.

Attached is the OCTM conference registration form in PDF format and  

Message from before read:
Hi all (apologies for any multiple e-mails as this was sent to a few  

Attached please find the registration form for OCTM in Cincy in  
November 2009. It is FREE for OCTM student members (or $5 for non- 
members--making you a member and giving you entry to the conference).  
If you are a member of OUctm then you are already a member of OCTM.

Don't think that this conference isn't somehow relevant to you. If you  
are receiving this e-mail, then this conference is for you! I have  
added your name specifically to this e-mail because I believe it is an  
important and relevant conference for you.

Remember that your OUCTM membership is a way to apply for the  
opportunity to be funded to go to this conference!

It is early but why not send it in now and mark it in your calendars?  
This is a fabulous conference and an OUCTM favorite for pre-service  

Best regards. If you have questions, please ask me!
Bob Klein
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