[Ouctm-l] OUCTM Bakesale

Marissa Blewitt mb192805 at ohio.edu
Tue Mar 3 22:05:29 EST 2009

We will be having our bakesale THIS Thursday, March 5, 2009 from 12-4pm in 
McCracken lobby. OUCTM members should bring their food donations to the 
bakesale from 12pm-1pm. If you are willing to sit at the table please email me 
back ASAP so I can put you on the schedule. Remember in order to have pizza at 
meetings and go to all the great OCTM/NCTM conferences we have to get funds. 
Please do your part to help out YOUR organization. 

Marissa Blewitt
OUCTM President
mb192805 at ohio.edu

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