[Ouctm-l] OUCTM Fundraiser TOMORROW!

Eric Sustar es860306 at ohio.edu
Mon Jun 1 18:54:40 EDT 2009

Hey OUCTM Members!

TOMORROW, Tuesday, June 2nd from 10am to 4pm, we'll be having a bake 
sale on the second floor of Morton Hall and WE NEED SUPPORTERS.  As an 
OUCTM member, we hope that you'll come and donate as much as you can 
afford.  If you are bringing baked goods for the sale (see list below), 
please get them to Morton at 10am.  Also, if you are volunteering, 
please show up at your time listed below:

10am-11am -- Nick Shay/Sarah Russell
11am-12pm -- Nick Shay
12pm-1pm -- Ben Burwinkel
1pm-2pm -- Milea Maxwell/Sarah Ehlen
2pm-3pm -- Sarah Ehlen
3pm-4pm -- Ben  Burwinkel/Sarah Russell
(Anyone else who would like to volunteer is welcome to show up at Morton 
between 10am and 4pm.)

Milea Maxwell - chocolate cookies
Sarah Russell - Oreo snowballs
Sarah Ehlen - baked good
(Anyone else who is baking something, please get it to Morton at 10am.)

Eric Sustar

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