Joe Burton jb971005 at ohio.edu
Mon Feb 23 10:01:04 EST 2009

To all members,

Just a last chance reminder that on Wednesday Feb. 25, you will have a great
opportunity to have your resumes reviewed by the superintendent of Tri-County
Career Center, William Wittman. He will be on campus at 6:00 PM for anyone who
wants to have him look at your resume. So, if you have your resume ready I would
recommend meeting with him. It will most likely be in small groups, so don't be
nervous that you will be one-on-one. If you are interested please email
ouctmtutoring at gmail.com to reserve a spot today!!! If you do not want to have
your resume reviewed, or do not yet have a resume, then Mr. Wittman will be
speaking to our members at our normal meeting time. Please remember to wear
professional dress for the meeting.


Joe Burton
OUCTM Tutoring Representative

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