[Ocees] Ecolunch Announcements

Kuchta, Shawn kuchta at ohio.edu
Mon Sep 4 19:19:09 EDT 2023

Hello Everyone,

1.  This week for Ecolunch we’ll have our OCEES organizational meeting.  This is for faculty interested in OCEES; graduate students can skip this one.  We’ll discuss the budget and plans for the year in general.  Bring discussion topics if you have something on your mind.  I don’t think it’ll be a long meeting.

2.  For graduate students:  There are many slots open for Ecolunch this semester.  Please contact me if you’d like to give one this semester.  As I always say, if you get it done early, you are done and life is better.  Also, the spring semester often fills up.

Shawn Kuchta

Time & Place:
Wednesday, 11:50-12:40, Irvine 159

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTE2OGU5YmMtNTcyYS00MGViLWFlNGUtMDg2ZmM1MjM4OWRi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f3308007-477c-4a70-8889-34611817c55a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f9cbf209-9a50-47a1-aa97-faab0a8edfb9%22%7d>

Meeting ID: 294 531 326 221

Passcode: QFDdeR
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