[Ocees] Ecolunch this week: Julia Joos

Kuchta, Shawn kuchta at ohio.edu
Tue Nov 28 13:30:10 EST 2023

Hello Everyone,

We will have Ecolunch this week (and also next week)!!!  Our speaker this week is Julia Joos from the Miles lab in BIOS:

"Thermal ecology and activity patterns of three species of Gopherus tortoises"

Wednesday, 11:50-12:40, Irvine 159

We’ll also be on Teams, but I’d like the graduate students that are signed up for the course to come in person if they can. It’s good for camaraderie and departmental spirit.

Shawn Kuchta

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTE2OGU5YmMtNTcyYS00MGViLWFlNGUtMDg2ZmM1MjM4OWRi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f3308007-477c-4a70-8889-34611817c55a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f9cbf209-9a50-47a1-aa97-faab0a8edfb9%22%7d>

Meeting ID: 294 531 326 221

Passcode: QFDdeR
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