[Ocees] FW: [External] Fwd: Fw: AMNH computational biology postdoc recruitment

Popescu, Viorel popescu at ohio.edu
Mon Nov 7 14:40:26 EST 2022

Cool postdoc opportunity at AMNH


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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mary Blair <mblair1 at amnh.org<mailto:mblair1 at amnh.org>>
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Fw: AMNH computational biology postdoc recruitment
To: Mary Blair <mblair1 at amnh.org<mailto:mblair1 at amnh.org>>

FYI, If you are or have any PhD students who intend to graduate soon, this postdoc fellowship opportunity at AMNH can include spatial biodiversity informatics. Please feel free to forward widely, and let me know if you have any questions!

From: INFO.SICG <info.sicg-bounces at lists.amnh.org<mailto:info.sicg-bounces at lists.amnh.org>> on behalf of Apurva Narechania <anarechania at amnh.org<mailto:anarechania at amnh.org>>
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 3:51 AM
To: info.sicg at lists.amnh.org<mailto:info.sicg at lists.amnh.org> <info.sicg at lists.amnh.org<mailto:info.sicg at lists.amnh.org>>
Subject: [Info.SICG] AMNH computational biology postdoc recruitment

Hi All,

Please find linked a new call for a Gerstner Computational Biology Postdoc at the AMNH. We welcome your application, and please also feel free to distribute to others you think may be interested.



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