[Ocees] TO OCEES Graduate Students about GRFP Deadline

Roosenburg, Willem roosenbu at ohio.edu
Fri Jan 7 17:01:44 EST 2022

Dear All,

It has come to my attention that the deadline for the OCEES GRFP on the web page is listed as 31 January but in the RFP in email I sent over this listserve in November I identified 7 January as the deadline. The 7 January deadline is the intended deadline. If you were planning to apply for the 31st please contact me immediately and let me know what a reasonable date is for you to submit your proposal. We apologize for this SNAFU but this is what happens when you no longer have control of your own website and have to run everything through administration.

Willem M Roosenburg

Director, Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies
Department of Biological Sciences
247 Life Sciences Building
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701

Office: 740.593.9669
Mobile: 740.503.4983
FAX: 740.593.0300


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
-- Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of
--Sir Winston Churchill

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