[Ocees] Tomorrow’s Lunch

Roosenburg, Willem roosenbu at ohio.edu
Tue Sep 7 10:18:54 EDT 2021

Dear OCEES Faculty

I would like to use the time tomorrow to introduce the new OCEES graduate students. Because we have not met for over a year I would like to introduce last years new students too. If you plan to attend, please plan to introduce your students. If you will not be attending please feel free to send me the names and a one sentence introduction and I will introduce them.
Thank you all!

Willem M Roosenburg
Director, Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies
Department of Biological Sciences
247 Life Sciences Building
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701
Office: 740.593.9669
Mobile: 740.503.4983
FAX: 740.593.0300


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
-- Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of
--Sir Winston Churchill
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