[Ocees] FW: BIOS/BMS Departmental Seminar, Mon Oct 26th

Popescu, Viorel popescu at ohio.edu
Thu Oct 22 11:09:56 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

Harry Potter fan or not, please join our Departmental seminar on Monday 4-5 pm via Teams for a talk on "Fantastic Beasts and How to Save Them", promotion seminar by yours truly; flier attached, Teams link and details below.


Viorel Popescu
Assistant Professor of Conservation Biology
Ohio University, Biological Sciences
107 Irvine Hall, Athens OH 45701

Twiter: @vioreldpopescu
Phone: 740 541 0105

From: Sugiyama, Tomohiko <sugiyama at ohio.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 9:40 AM
To: BIOS/BMS Joint Seminar <CAS-Bios/BmsJointSeminar at catmail.ohio.edu>
Subject: Oct 26th Seminar!

Dear all,

We will have BIOS/BMS joint online seminar on next Monday (Oct. 26th).

Seminar speaker:

Viorel Popescu, PhD, OU Athens


BIOS promotion seminar: "Fantastic Beasts and How to Save Them"

Date and Time:

Oct. 26, 4:00pm


Bob Colvin



Flier attached
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Y2Y1YzE5NTgtYTRhMS00ODYzLWFmYjctZTFiYTU3MjljNGM0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f3308007-477c-4a70-8889-34611817c55a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226c2cf762-4d1a-4197-bd3b-fb991fb17d07%22%7d>
+1 614-706-6572<tel:+1%20614-706-6572,,278921338>   United States, Columbus (Toll)
Conference ID: 278 921 338#
Tomohiko Sugiyama, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University
Life Science Research Facility - Rm. 223
Athens, OH 45701
TEL(Office): 740-597-1927
E-Mail: sugiyama at ohio.edu<mailto:sugiyama at ohio.edu>
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