[Ocees] Research opportunity for undergraduate

Molly Morris morrism at ohio.edu
Thu Nov 5 07:54:28 EST 2020

Dear All,

Please see the message below from Helen Stec, and contact Helen or me if
you are interested.

Also feel free to forward to someone you think might be interested.


My name is Helen Stec and I am a junior neuroscience major. I am currently
working on a project perfect for individuals interested in behavioral
neurosceince with Dr. Morris. My project is comparing the neuron number and
total cell number in the brain of different male swordtail fish. We are
doing this to help determine if delayed maturation in some of the male fish
could be a cause for an increased intelligence.

I can teach those wishing to join how to dissect out fish brains,
immunoreact the brains with antibodies, and count the cells. The bulk of
the work will be counting the cells under a fluorescent microscope.

In return for helping me, you will receive lab credit with Dr. Morris, name
on a publication, and lab experience great for a resume.

If you are interested, feel free to email me at hs524417 at ohio.edu or Dr.
Morris at morrism at ohio.edu !

Molly R Morris, Ph.D
Department of Biological Sciences
Ohio University
Athens OH 45701
(740) 593-0337
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