[Ocees] Graduate Core Course offered Spring 2021

Popescu, Viorel popescu at ohio.edu
Fri Dec 11 08:09:54 EST 2020

Dear graduate students,

Nancy Stevens, Larry Witmer and myself are offering the Graduate Core Course this coming Spring. This 3-credits, graded, team-taught course has been typically offered in the Fall, has been geared towards the incoming graduate student cohort, and 2-3 faculty instructors participate in teaching it. This course is listed in the Grad Bylaws as a potential avenue to meet the coursework requirements for your degree. While it is not a required courses, it can be taken in lieu of other graduate course requirements, and we strongly encourage everyone to take at least 1 Grad Core Course during their tenure in the grad program.

The goal of this course is to build skills that transcend eco-evo scientific literacy and prepare you for other aspects of graduate student life and scientific career, such as reviewing manuscripts, popular science writing, social media, presentation for diverse audiences, writing research permits, post-grad school life, job searches, grant searching and writing. Depending on timeline and interest, we may throw in some Intro to R sessions. We are still working out the details because we would like to tailor and cater the content to the audience.

Therefore, we encourage new graduate students to enroll, but we are welcoming anyone that is interested in these topics (within and outside the BIOS grad program); we do need to reach critical mass to make this course both useful and fun. The course is BIOS 6820 109 Advanced Topics, course number 13361, and you should enroll for 3 credits. There are several other BIOS 6820 courses being offered in the Spring, so please pay attention to the course number. The class will meet for 2 hours each week, and it will include several assignments related to the topics above. Class meeting time will be determined based on everyone's availability.

Faculty, please forward this to your new students in case not everyone is on the OCEES listserv yet.


Viorel Popescu
Assistant Professor of Conservation Biology
Ohio University, Biological Sciences
107 Irvine Hall, Athens OH 45701

Twiter: @vioreldpopescu
Phone: 740 541 0105

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