[Ocees] FW: OCEES Announcements for week of 7 October

Roosenburg, Willem roosenbu at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 7 09:45:18 EDT 2019

Dear All,

1)      Ecolunch - Neil Hamrick - Biological Sciences - This is my brain on fish - Wednesday, 9 October 11:50 am in Irvine 159.

2)      Please remember to send accomplishments and announcements to  Cassie Thompson, our social media outreach person who maintains the facebook and twitter pages for OCEES. Please send her information about grants, publications, and presentations by you and your students. Cassie's email is ct824310 at ohio.edu<mailto:ct824310 at ohio.edu>. See note form Cassie below:
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to announce that our social media pages are officially up and running! If you haven't found them yet, our Twitter account can be found under the name "Ohio Center for Ecological & Evolutionary Studies" and handle @OhioEcoEvo and our FaceBook account can be found under the name "Ohio Center for Ecological & Evolutionary Studies - OCEES". Check them out and give us a follow or page like!

Please feel free to send me any announcements or accomplishments (publications, grants, presentations, etc.) from the lab (faculty, graduate, and undergraduate) so we can share the news! Looking forward to hearing from you all!


Willem M Roosenburg

President, Herpetologists' League
Director, Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies
Department of Biological Sciences
247 Life Sciences Building
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701

Office: 740.593.9669
Mobile: 740.503.4983
FAX: 740.593.0300


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
-- Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of
--Sir Winston Churchill

From: OCEES <ocees-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu> On Behalf Of Roosenburg, Willem
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 9:44 AM
To: ocees at listserv.ohio.edu
Subject: [Ocees] OCEES Announcements for week of 29 September

Dear All,

1)      Ecolunch - DJ Morgan - Biological Sciences - Cranial adaptations in secondarily aquatic Sayropsids - Wednesday, 2 October 11:50 am in Irvine 159.

2)      The winner of the Darwin Speaker poll is Janet Brown (30 pts) followed by Scott Edwards (35) and then Jonathan Losos (37). We have begun pursuing the speakers and hope to establish a schedule for the next two years with our top two candidates. Thank you all for voting and with such a close outcome we think we had an excellent slate of speakers.

3)      Please remember to send accomplishments and announcements to  Cassie Thompson, our social media outreach person who maintains the facebook and twitter pages for OCEES. Please send her information about grants, publications, and presentations by you and your students. Cassie's email is ct824310 at ohio.edu<mailto:ct824310 at ohio.edu>.

Willem M Roosenburg

President, Herpetologists' League
Director, Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies
Department of Biological Sciences
247 Life Sciences Building
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701

Office: 740.593.9669
Mobile: 740.503.4983
FAX: 740.593.0300


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
-- Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of
--Sir Winston Churchill

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