[Ocees] OCEES upcoming events

Roosenburg, Willem roosenbu at ohio.edu
Wed Apr 4 10:40:56 EDT 2018

OCEES upcoming events - sorry folks - personal events have conspired to keep me from getting this done in a more timely manner over the last two weeks

1)      Wednesday, April 4th , 11:50 Irvine 159, OCEES Ecolunch -Waymon Halloway Biological Sciences, Functional craniofacial differences between morphologically convergent crurostarsans

2)      Tuesday, April 10th 15:30 Baker Ballroom, OCEES Darwin Speaker, Andrea Wulf, The Invention of Nature.

3)      Wednesday, April 11th , 11:50 Irvine 159, OCEES Pizza Lunch with Andrea Wulf for UGRIP students and Graduate Students

Willem M Roosenburg

Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies
Department of Biological Sciences
247 Life Sciences Building
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701

Office: 740.593.9669
Mobile: 740.503.4983
FAX: 740.593.0300


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
-- Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of
--Sir Winston Churchill

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